Madrid, 24th September 2024 – Aqualia, a company that manages public water services in Spain and in 16 other countries for more than 45 million people, and TFS, a company of  Amper Group, leader in technological solutions for pressure control under NB-IOT, LTE and LoRa technology, have taken a step forward in their collaboration. With the recent signing of a Framework Agreement, both organisations will promote the digitalisation of the water supply network and will incorporate TFS Hercules pressure measurement equipment with specific firmware developed according to Aqualia’s specifications into their services. This customised development will ensure that the technology implemented is perfectly adapted to Aqualia’s needs and standards, thus improving efficiency and accuracy in the management of the drinking water network.

The installation of this advanced equipment is a clear reflection of both companies’ commitment to innovation and sustainability. Real-time monitoring capabilities and early detection of irregularities are just some of the advantages that this equipment will bring, which will mean that the networks that transport water will see their efficiency increase, with lower loss rates and the possibility of offering more and better services to users.

This agreement is in line with Aqualia’s ongoing efforts to lead in the field of digitalisation, where it highlights the importance of measurement and management for the optimisation of services. It also reflects the shared vision of both companies to move towards a more digital, connected future.

Aqualia and TFS are committed to implementing solutions that not only benefit their operations, but also have a positive impact on the environment and the communities they serve. This agreement is a testament to their industry leadership and dedication to operational excellence.

The Amper Group, through its Telecommunications and IoT division, is also working with Aqualia in the company’s digital transformation process, with the development and supply of a device (Clip-on) that provides real-time consumption and alarms from the water meters managed by Aqualia.