Madrid, 9th September 2024 – Amper will assume from this September and for a period of two years the Executive Secretary of the Spanish Delegation to the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG), a position that will be held by the Director of Defence and Security of the Amper Group, Sara Cristóbal. The appointment, which is part of the Terms of Reference for the Participation of Spanish Industry in NATO, was made at the proposal of the Spanish Association of Defence, Security, Aeronautics, and Space Technology Companies (TEDAE). 

In this sense, Spanish companies in the defence sector will see their dialogue with NATO’s industrial advisory group strengthened with the incorporation of Amper. Sara Cristóbal has an extensive professional career in the defence and aeronautical fields, as well as a solid experience in international relations. 

Enrique López, CEO of the Amper Group, said that ‘this appointment is of great importance for Amper in a double dimension, since on the one hand it reinforces our Defence and Security strategy set out in our Strategic and Transformation Plan 2023-2026, and on the other hand it reaffirms our commitment and that of the whole sector to innovation and industrial collaboration in NATO’. 

The NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) is the high-level advisory and consultative body of leading companies from NATO member nations, operating within the framework of the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD). 

The NIAG is a fundamental forum for dialogue and cooperation between industry and the Atlantic Alliance, with the aim of promoting interoperability and innovation in the field of defence. Spain’s active participation in this group underlines the importance of maintaining an advanced and internationally competitive defence industry.