Encargados Aeroespacial Grupo Amper, CEO y personas del Ejército del Aire.
  • The Air and Space Army (EA) BACSI program aims to evolve the design of Air and Space Army air bases, improving their operability and efficiency.

Madrid, 26th April 2024-. The Amper Group and the EA have signed a General Performance Agreement by which several technological initiatives will be developed within the framework of the BACSI program of the Ministry of Defence of the Government of Spain.

The protocol establishes the conditions that will articulate the collaboration between Amper Group and the EA to develop and implement R+D+i solutions in the BACSI program, through which Defense aims to evolve in the design of air bases, improving their operability and efficiency in the use of all resources (personnel, intelligence, and equipment) involved in their operation.

The signing of the protocol shows the confidence of the Air Force and Space in Amper Group and its Defence, Security and Communications business unit to share knowledge and generate synergies that facilitate the development of technological solutions.

With this agreement, Amper Group reinforces its strategy and performance as a leading player in the implementation of the National Defence Directive 2020, which is committed to “strengthening the national defence industry and the development of a European industrial and technological base” capable of ensuring that “the equipment of the Armed Forces remains at the technological forefront”.

For the company, the protocol represents a milestone that allows Amper to contribute to the continuous modernization of Spanish air bases, and reaffirms its vocation to be a leading player in the transformation and modernization of the national defense infrastructure.