• According to the Estrategic Plan, Amper expects to grow organically and inorganically to become a leading reference in the Defence and Security, Energy and Sustainability, and Telecommunications areas.
  • El plan foresees financing business growth, acquisitions and potential acquisitions through a combination of equity, debt and cash generation. 
  • To undertake this strategy, it’s planned to reinforce Amper’s capital structure with their anchor stakeholders with the aim of decreasing the current leverage levels, allowing the Company’s own growth to maintain debt ratios in a range of 2-3x EBITDA. 
  • The new Amper is carrying out a deep internal transformation based on a new organisational, corporate and business model, which plans to double the group’s current lines of activity and capabilities, and to create a new internal culture. 
  • Amper has also set itself the objective of doubling the weight of its foreign business in its total sales, from 20% to 40% by 2026.

Tuesday, 10th May 2023. Amper Group has presented their new Strategic and transformation of 2023-2026 to the market, which it plans to increase the company’s sales up to 1,000 millions and become a leading reference in three of the areas with the highest growth in the coming years: Defence and Security, Energy and Sustainability, and Telecommunications.

At an event held at the Madrid Stock Exchange before the investment and business community, the CEO of Amper Group, Enrique López, outlined the main objectives of the plan. Which envisages investing more than 490 million euros over the next three years to transform the company and make it grow – both organically and inorganically – by focusing its business on these three strategic sectors.

“We are a group with 60 years of history, 35 of them listed on the stock exchange, with more than 3,000 employees, 300 million in sales and 40 strategic clients, which aspires to be a business reference on a stable shareholder base, and a new corporate and business focus that will be accompanied by a change in corporate culture” explained Amper’s CEO during his presentation of the Strategic and Transformation Plan 2023-2026.

The company’s objectives include generating revenues of more than 285 million euros by the end of 2026 from its Defence and Security division alone; in addition to 550 million euros in its Energy and Sustainability unit, and close to 172 million euros in Telecommunications. The group’s Ebitda margin at the end of 2026 is projected to be 12.2%.

The financial and cash generation scheme accompanying the growth plan envisages financing the transformation and growth of the company’s capabilities and business lines, combining equity and debt instruments, along with funding obtained from cash generation.

To undertake this strategy, it’s planned to reinforce Amper’s capital structure with their anchor stakeholders with the aim of decreasing the current leverage levels, allowing the Company’s own growth to maintain debt ratios in a range of 2-3x EBITDA.

In this regard, the Group’s strategy until 2026 includes strategic investments of over 250 million euros, primarily to strengthen the company’s presence in the Defence and Security sector.

“Our strategy in Defence and Security, Energy and Sustainability and Telecommunications has been designed on a base scenario in which, among other aspects, the Spanish government has made a commitment to raise the defence budget to 2% of GDP, and market projections point to growth of between 10 and 12% by 2030 in the global security and aerospace markets,” said the CEO of the Amper Group.

“In addition, there are strong growth prospects for green hydrogen, offshore wind and smart utilities, and there is ample opportunity to participate in the deployment of 5G and critical communications infrastructure. All of these are areas in which the Group is present and brings together human capital, experience, and capacity for innovation and growth,” said López.

In the area of Energy and Sustainability, the Amper Group aims to be a relevant global player in the design and construction of structures and electrical substations for offshore wind farms. It will contribute to the creation and leadership of a Spanish business ecosystem that can position itself as an integral global supplier in the construction of offshore wind energy infrastructures.

In its Strategic and Transformation Plan, the group also plans to geographically diversify its sources of income, multiplying its foreign business by more than five times, which in three years will represent 40% of the expected income compared to the current 20%.