25-01-2024. The Amper Group, through its subsidiary Elinsa, has a strong track record in manufacturing industry-leading power conversion equipment at the current La Coruña factory, which has now reached full capacity. To continue supporting growing market needs, Amper Group is now expanding operations in La Coruña with new facilities and advanced manufacturing capabilities. 

Global demand for energy storage continues to show steady growth; according to a recent report from BloombergNEF the Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) market is expected to grow more than 20 percent per year through 2030. The Amper Group’s new investment not only helps to cement the domestic capabilities of the Galicia region in meeting this spike in demand for power conversion systems in the coming years, but also strengthens the company’s position as a leading global supplier. The La Coruña factory capacity is expected to double and will be fully operational by 2026. 

With the expansion of the new La Coruña facility, the Amper Group is positioned to meet the needs of its customers, including eks Energy, the Seville-based supplier of power conversion equipment. Elinsa, subsidiary of the Amper Group, is a valued and long-standing supplier to eks Energy since the factory’s first delivery of power electronics for use in renewables in 2007. 

“We have developed a trusted relationship with Amper Group through Elinsa over 17 years and are confident that this factory expansion and modernization effort will benefit both the technical and delivery capabilities of eks Energy,” said Alberto Prieto, incoming CEO of eks Energy. “Ultimately, it is strong alliances like this that have given eks Energy the foundation to build our base of global customers and actively support the energy transition with some of the world’s most recognized and powerful energy storage projects.” 

“Our position as a reference supplier of eks Energy has allowed us to develop differentiated manufacturing capabilities of power electronics equipment for renewable energy and battery storage,” said Enrique López, CEO of Amper Group. “The capacities of the current factory, which will evolve towards those of the new factory that will come into operation in 2026, will allow us to produce equipment worth more than 400 million euros until 2030”.