Nervión Naval Offshore, Amper Group’s leading company in the manufacture of offshore wind structures and shipbuilding, is transforming its brand and will now be called WindWaves, to adapt its image to its current stage of growth and internationalisation.

WindWaves is one of the key players at European level in the manufacture and assembly of steel components for offshore wind energy platforms, civil and military vessels, as well as the most innovative and sustainable solutions in maritime transport, such as WindWings or ‘rigid sails’ for large vessels.

Amper Group’s subsidiary concentrates one of the company’s main areas of growth, in accordance with its current Strategic and Transformation Plan 2023-2026, in which the Energy and Sustainability Business Unit is expected to achieve revenues of more than €450m by the end of the period. These plans include the company’s presence on all five continents.

The company currently has a significant project portfolio in the field of offshore wind energy, both in the construction of jackets for platforms fixed to the seabed and floating structures for deep waters.

In addition, the company, with its own facilities in Ferrol and A Coruña, will manufacture and distribute exclusively throughout Europe Bar Technologies’ innovative ‘rigid sails’ which, due to their use of the wind and their efficiency and energy savings, will be one of the solutions to carry out the energy transition in the maritime transport sector, especially in large vessels such as bulk carriers and tankers, among others.