• EBITDA improved by 30.5% to EUR 12.2 million at the end of June.
  • Group EBITDA margin % reached 6% at the end of June, 0.8 p.p. higher than in the same period of the previous year.
  • The order backlog grew by 1% compared to the first half of 2023 and reached 400 million euros, with 75% in Energy and Sustainability and 25% in Defence, Security, and Communications.
  • The ratio of Net Financial Debt to annualised EBITDA continues to decline, reaching 3.9x, 0.3x lower than the year-end 2023 ratio.


Madrid, 30th July 2024-Amper Group closed the first half of the year with a 12.4% increase in sales, which reached 203.2 million euros. These sales are in line with the target of 428 million euros in organic sales by 2024 contained in its Strategic and Transformation Plan 2023-2026.

The Group’s gross operating profit (EBITDA) was also in line with these organic projections, growing by 30.5% to EUR 12.2 million, which would enable it to reach the EUR 35 million target by year-end. EBITDA Margin % stood at 6%, 0.8 p.p. higher than in the same period of the previous year, and is in line with the target of reaching 8% by year-end for the organic business as set out in the 2023-2026 Strategic and Transformation Plan. These improvements are the result of higher sales, operational efficiency measures, and the commercial focus on higher margin and value-added projects.

Profit after tax was also in line with the Strategic Plan, given the Company’s historical seasonality. With a greater concentration of business in the second half of the year, the impact of exchange rate differences and the increase in financial expenses due to the rise in market interest rates.

The performing portfolio amounted to EUR 400 million and continued to grow. The volume and maturity of the commercial opportunities under management project a portfolio of more than EUR 500 million by the end of the year, in line with the objective set.

As for the evolution of debt, the ratio of Net Financial Debt to annualised EBITDA continues to decline, reaching 3.9x, 0.3x lower than the ratio at year-end 2023, which allows maintaining the target of 3.2x for the end of the year.

During this first semester, the Group has strengthened the development of its two Business Units, both Defence, Security and Communications and Energy and Sustainability, with the incorporation, among others, of the contract with Airbus to provide voice communications to its SIRTAP programme (High Performance Remotely Manned Tactical Aircraft System); the U5-Space project to create a pioneering drone traffic management platform with 5G and Artificial Intelligence; the improvement of tools and applications for Enaire’s air navigation equipment communications systems; orders for the manufacture and supply of photovoltaic inverters and energy storage systems by eks-Hitachi Energy; and new activities in the Le Treport offshore wind project for Navantia Seanergies.

The company has also made progress in agreements and alliances with very important players for the future of its business, such as the Air and Space Army, eks-Hitachi Energy, Motorola, and Bar Technologies.

Lastly, it should be noted that the company continued to make progress in changing its financial structure, which was one of the main lines of action envisaged in its Strategic and Transformation Plan. This process of change included both the first issue of its Bond Programme and the divestment of Energy Computer Systems, which took place after the end of the first half of the year.

For Enrique López, CEO of Grupo Amper, “the results represent a good first half of 2024, the evolution of the business and the company’s operating results are in line with our projections for 2024, a year in which we are also making every effort to complete the transformation of our financial structure, which allows us to make progress in fulfilling our Strategic and Transformation Plan 2023-2026”.