Committed with energy transition

In the last few years, Amper has made a strong commitment to the hydraulic market, becoming one of the most important suppliers of the main electricity companies for works in these facilities.

Through Nervión, it has established itself throughout Spain, carrying out all types of work in various hydroelectric power plants, including dismantling, refurbishment and assembly of different types of turbine. The trust that customers are placing in us makes us work every day with the illusion that we are contributing our footprint to a more sustainable future. This also allows the customer to focus on more global aspects and delegate to Amper the more technical details, management, and project execution.

Hydropower Plants

The rehabilitation of hydraulic power plants and associated elements has become one of the main objectives of the group, carrying out all types of work on these installations in recent years. More and more clients are trusting us to carry out critical works such as the replacement of penstocks, integral rehabilitation of groups, guard valves, floodgates…

In addition, we have a multidisciplinary team that, backed by a technical office with extensive experience in the sector, has managed to position itself in the market and become a benchmark in the national hydroelectric sector. Currently, we can assure that Amper has full capacity to carry out any project related to the hydroelectric sector.

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