Ensuring the Continuity and Sustainability of Electricity Supply

The Amper Group develops Smart Industrial MicroGrids for different infrastructures that guarantee electricity supply, combining renewable energy generation with electrical storage and hybridisation with Back-Up sources.

Challenges that the SmartGrid Solution Enables a Project to Meet


Ensuring Continuity and Stability of Service


Improving the Operational Resilience and Independence of the Electricity Grid


Delivering Clean and Affordable Energy (PV & BESS)


Achieving Maximum Energy Efficiency and Consumption Optimisation

flota de coches eelctricos

Have a fleet of electric vehicle charging stations (BEVs)

criterios de sostenibilidad

Fulfilling Sustainability Criteria, Decarbonisation and ESG Commitments


Implementing an Integrated, Secure and Reliable Control Centre (MASTER-EMS-SCADA)

Development of Intelligent Microgrid Control

The Microgrid will be developed as a local energy production, storage and distribution network, which will manage in real time all the system’s energy assets and resources, enabling it to operate independently from the main electricity grid in the event of a crisis or simply to supplement peak demand, thereby avoiding higher energy costs.

The Amper Group presents a hardware and software solution for the management of Energy Microgrids, designed to guarantee a reliable and secure electricity supply:

This solution effectively integrates BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) and renewable energy (PV) generation, complemented by back-up power systems.

The MASTER-EMS-SCADA system will be responsible for the control, automation and monitoring of the different assets and energy resources of the system, both generation (renewables, storage & BackUp systems), distribution, consumption and grid connection point (PCR).

Using state-of-the-art digitalisation and automation technologies, this solution optimises energy consumption and significantly increases the efficiency and availability of the microgrid. In this way, the highest safety and operational standards are not only met, but exceeded.